
17 juli 2017 - Dumfries, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Hi there,

Again a day has passed of our Scottish adventure. Today was a working day again (somuchfun). After the Bunkhouse our task was painting the inside of the roundhouse with lime. Probably the hardest part of this is walking up the enormous hill on top of which is the roundhouse. The rest of the stuff we had to do was not that difficult and due to this quite boring. Our tasks consisted off preparing the lime wash (mixing lime putting with water using a mixer attached to a drill) swiping off the dirt and spider webs from the walls and painting, again. As Mike had told us lime wash was quite corrosive we decided to play it safe and dress up as some weird kind of forensic squad. This using white throwaway overalls, protective classes and blue shower caps. Again we have been working extremely hard all day and been able to finish all of the panels (which is most of the work that has to be done inside)

After cleaning up our stuff we did a second attempt at the survival parkour. (one of our challenges remember) There was some progress but still nowhere near completion unfortunately.

another AVG

Today was another day of potato, meat/fish, and vegetables. This meal included some progress from our last home-cooked meal (especially our potatoes) but our road to MasterChef is not over yet!

See you tomorrow (I’ll keep trying)


#Scotland #somuchfun #Hiyamrmeek #Limewashing
